Resources & Reading
If you are interested in the work of LAB collab, here are several readings that we have found foundational and helpful as we reframe how bioethics scholarship understands language.
Essential texts
Austin 1975
Davis 1991
Chapter 2: Implicature, Explicature, and Truth-Theoretic Semantics (Carston)
Chapter 4: Utterer's Meaning, Sentence-Meaning, and Word-Meaning (Grice)
Chapter 15: What is a Speech Act? (Searle)
Chapter 19: Logic and Conversation (Grice)
Hanks 1996
Language and Communicative Practices
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 5: Sentences, Speech Acts, and Utterances
Agha 2012
Language and Social Relations
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 3: Register formations
Chapter 4: The social life of cultural value
Hanks 2014
The Space of Translation, Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 4(2): 17-39
Recommended Readings
Holmes & Ponte 2011
En-case-ing the Patient: Disciplining Uncertainty in Medical Student Patient Presentations, Culture Medicine Psychiatry 35: 163-182.
Batten et al 2018
We Convey More Than We (Literally) Say, AJOB 18(9): 1-3.
Clapp & Fleisher 2018
What is the Realistic Scope of Informed Consent, The Joint Commission 2018; 44:341-342.
Batten et al 2019
Wong et al 2021
More Than Conveying Information: Informed Consent as Speech Act, AJOB 21(5): 1-3.