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A sample of previous and ongoing research projects at the LAB collab:

Understanding Hedging Language

What is the impact of language that introduces ambiguity (e.g. "hedging language") in clinical scenarios?

Project Leads:

Hannah Kirsch and Kristin Kennedy

Exception from Informed Consent

One question or one sentence summary of EFIC project / conceptual ideas/direction

Project Leads:

Samantha Stein & Justin Clapp

Candidacy & Decision Making

What shapes what interventions are possible and how are those possibilities conveyed to patients?

Project Leads:

Bonnie O. Wong and Jacob A. Blythe

"We got it all" & other simple phrases

How do simple phrases like "we got it all" stick in patients' minds with unintended downstream effects?

Project Lead:

Bonnie O. Wong


How do different individuals understand the concept of "treatability" differently and why does it matter?

Project Leads: 

Jason N. Batten & Bonnie O. Wong

Decision Making and Cancer Care

How does longitudinal and multidisciplinary decision making happen for cancer care?

Project Leads:

Justin T. Clapp & Samantha Stein

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